Lamparto Blog — Tips

Lighting considerations
Welcome and thanks for popping in to visit us. Do you come from a land down under? We certainly do! The next time when you are out and about (whether you are visiting a café, bar or hotel) pay a little attention to the lighting within the establishment. Light is...

Choosing a Lamp shade
If you are purchasing a timber table lamp or floor lamp, please consider the colour, features and theme of the image you have chosen and how this will compliment, support, detract from or enhance the timber type you have selected. As a general rule, a darker lampshade will go better with...

Timber School 101
Introduction to timber: Natural, Renewable, Sustainable Wood is naturally beautiful and versatile and is one of the best ways to address climate change. Choosing timber in design and construction can help tackle climate change in several ways. One of the most important is that wood stores carbon. Growing trees absorb...
Why Choose Lamparto